This is John in 21 motions
Here's a glimpse into our devotions
But these are written so that you may believe
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God
and that by believing you may have life in His name.
First there was the word and the word became flesh
He came and dwelt among us and now we are blessed
Lamb of God, John the Baptist confessed
Come, follow me, and you will see greater things
Went to the wedding, changed water to wine
Cleared out the temple, put those boys back in line
Break and built it up in three days time
Didn't that 46 years?
Nicodemus must be born again
For God did not send His Son to condemn
But that we may have life without end
He must increase and I must decrease.
My food is to do the will of the Father
Your son's alive, don't even bother
Look at the fields, they're ripe for harvest!
Said to the man, get up and walk!
I don't speak unless I hear God talk
The Pharisees began to stalk
Couldn't get Him because His hour hadn't arrived
A little boy's five loaves and two fish
Fed a few thousand, 12 baskets delish
Walking on water was Peter's wish
Bread of Life, It is I--do not be afraid.
Why don't you show yourself to everyone?
I can't do that now, my time has not come
Don't you understand where I'm from?
If anyone is thirsty come to me and drink.
If the Son sets you free, you'll be free indeed
Light of the World, you best believe
Throw a stone or you can just leave
Who's your daddy?!
This happened so that you may believe
This man was blind but now he can see
Give glory to God, it's your testimony
Do I have to tell you again?
Follow me when you hear my voice
I lay my life down--it's my choice
I'm the Good Shepherd, don't you know?
If you're gonna enter you must come through my door
No one can take you out of my palm
Jesus came to tell you what's going on
I come to give life abundantly
I know my own and my own know me!
Raised Lazarus up after he died
Talked with Martha, but Mary just cried
Through this thing the Son is glorified
I am the Resurrection and the Life
Into Jerusalem Jesus came
His heart was troubled, glorify God's name
Walk in the light you'll never be the same
Be like the kernel of wheat
At the supper Jesus washed their feet
Do the same, His example's real neat
Betrayer Judas has got the best seat
By your love they'll know that you are mine
For you there's a place I will prepare
I manifest myself to those who care
Ask in my name and I'll take you there
Because I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
You did not choose me, but I chose you
I am the Vine who will always be true
Abide in me and I'll abide in you
Obey and bear fruit!
The hour is coming, it is drawing near
The helper will tell you whatever He hears
Joy will come out of your fear
Take courage, He has overcome the world!
Jesus prays for all eternity
I in Him and Him in me
That they may have perfect unity
Eternal life means to know God!
The Son of Man will be lifted up
For He is willing to drink the cup
Faced Pilate and told Him what's up
His Kingdom is out of this world.
Scourged, pierced, and mocked
Carrying His cross, Jesus walked
When He died the whole earth was rocked
He said, "It is finished."
God up early, went to the tomb
He was dead, or so they assumed
He teleported into the locked room
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe!
Simon, do you love me more than these?
If you do then feed my lambs please
All this John wrote for whoever believes
There's not even room to write all the things He did!
Escrita por: Kia, Grace, Lauren, Jackie, Kristina, e Monica